Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Life Science 1 + 2 / here's to the bio nerds

If you get to know me, you'll find that I am a nerd and one subject that I really enjoy learning about is biology and especially on the molecular level. Right now I am currently reviewing for my midterm tomorrow and I can gratefully say that I am easily learning the information as opposed to simply studying it. I am intrigued by the intricacies of cells and what happens to them when there is a deficit of sodium ions or what happens to lysosomes to cause Tay Sachs disease. I am constantly blown away at how every single vesicle is directed to a specific destination by a particular messenger protein on its membrane or how mitochondria are so well equipped that they can provide us energy through both aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

In the end, I think the most attractive thing about biology is that it constantly reminds me of God's glory and perfection whenever I study it. All the things that I described in the previous paragraph work in such an ideal unison and beautiful symmetry to allow us to live our lives normally everyday. God gifted us with these amazing bodies that are able to automatically utilize the nutrients that we consume into various tasks throughout the day. When I look at it I cant help but be in awe of the excellency in craftsmanship. I think the more and more I study biology, the more and more I get to see a glimpse of God's perfection and love for His creation as I begin to observe and appreciate how flawless we actually are. In His word it says that we were made in His image and I am learning to believe that more everyday as I realize that our bodies are, like God, pretty perfect.

I recently saw Louis Giglio's sermon about how great God and it was encouraging to hear us thinking the same thing about God's completely visual presence within biology and our own bodies. He used this protein as an example:

It's named "Laminin" and like any protein in our body, its specific structure is a necessity to its function. The crazy thing about this protein is that it is integral for the building of almost every tissue in the human body and holding everything together. If deficient in this single protein, we would suffer from muscular dystrophy and the improper formation of muscles and mutated growth. I think it's crazy that God planned this protein specifically to look like a cross because they both pretty much provide the same function in our lives. Without the cross present in every tissue of our body the same disastrous consequences will unfold and leave us spiritually disfigured and crippled. What a crazy reminder, even within the realm of science, of the foundation of our faith. I'm def amazed.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009


aside: I usually don't post this often but I felt like this journal entry was an important expression of what I've been feeling and thinking about. It also had a very poetic essence to me when I re-read it today.

"I realized that I hate that word [patience]. It's just so hard to remain patient in times of good or bad. It's hard to let things keep rolling instead of me taking control. It's hard for me to trust that things will work out when I'm not driving the car. I'm like a backseat driver for my life. It's hard for me to wait on you for relationships. It's hard for me to trust that something is coming when I'm ready. Only when I'm ready. I'm scared of being alone because I am so sick of it already. I hate feeling like I have to face things as a lone ranger. I have to get through life with trial and error. I've trusted myself for so long, how can I let it go now? But in the end, you want to heal me and you want to be everything for me and I want you to be everything for me too. I want you to be my everything but I just keep slipping back into sin and my own selfish desire.

I thank you for fighting for me everyday. I thank you for running after me when I deliberately choose to walk away. When will it be time? When will this road in front of me clear up? In the end, I just want to know and share your love even more so I pray that you keep molding my heart and allow me to find refuge in you alone. Thank you so much for the strength to get through school and keep doing work. Thank you for Your love and grace that you shower upon me everyday even when I don't deserve it. May You be more than enough."

Brooke Fraser - hymn

Sunday, October 11, 2009

My Bryan-centric Universe

Lately I've been very thankful for the opportunities I am immersed in at college. The fact that I get to apply for so many programs and places is truly unbelievable and I am humbled by God's grace once again.

Daily Bruin - not accepted. (initially I was surprised/bummed because I sent them what I thought were some of my best writing samples but it's all good now. I get to go to activities on saturdays which I am highly thankful for)
EMRA - applying / interviewing tomorrow. (I didn't get accepted last year because I bombed my interview but I am thankful for a second chance. Hopefully they give me a chance.)
APA Health Care - applied

Ronald Reagan Volunteer - applied / excited to start and interact with patients!
Campus Movie Fest - no idea

The negative to everything I've been doing lately is that whenever I am dunked into a sea of stuff to do, I often spend too much time chasing after things and focusing solely on my goal and end destinations that I forget to appreciate everything along the way. I find myself too entranced with what I am striving for to even take time to think and care about my friends around me and I don't want that to happen now. So please keep me accountable when I begin to monologue about what I'm currently doing, what I have done, or how amazing I am and remind me that the universe is far from being Bryan-centric.

My playlist the last couple weeks:
Jon Foreman - white as snow
Coldplay - glass of water

Chris Tomlin - enough / overflow
Phil Wickham - i will wait for you there / cannons
Lifehouse - who we are
Chris Brown - forever (I think it's because of Jim and Pam's wedding.)
Regina Spektor - eet (I have been intrigued by this woman. This song's instrumental part has an amazing melody.)

My current desktop background:

Here's Regina: