Thursday, May 21, 2009

Love Isn't Always Easy

"In all of our lives we have an 'Albertine,' we have a 'Rwanda"

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Pondering Quotations

"Your mistakes are your own unique way of getting to where you need to be."
- Conan O'Brien

"For all your sons and daughters, walking in the darkness. You are calling us to lead them back to you. We will see your spirit rising as the lost come out of hiding. And every heart will see this hope we have in you."
- Tear Down the Walls

"Take my hands and make them clean. Keep my heart in purity. That I may walk in all you have for me."
- Arms Open Wide

"You're as cute as a lumberjack holding a baby."
- Blake Brawnson (character in my story for creative writing. His son is named Samson.)

"Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity."
- Albert Einstein (I thought this was clever)

Time for some O-chem destruction.

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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Strengths and Weaknesses (2am)

This week I was trying to complete the sentence, "I am good at..." and I sadly couldn't. I was disappointed but began to realize how much emphasis a lot of people, me being at the forefront, place on examining the negatives instead of the positives. I'd like to think I am a optimist in a lot of cases (also a realist), but it's ironic that I cant seem to be optimistic about myself when I'm always looking at the potential in others. All I do is picture myself as inferior in so many ways when God didn't make me like that at all.

I love how God works through people because he always seems to get me thinking through what others say. I was talking to my English TA, for example, and he was telling me about how I put too much emphasis on listing what the text doesn't do instead of what the text actually conveys. He said that if the list was based on what was absent in the text, it could possibly go on forever whereas focusing on what devices the author actually employs will lead me to a much stronger argument and a better overall paper. I thought this point really applied to what I was thinking about lately because if I only focus on what I lack, all that would happen would be (once again) falling into the giant trap of self-pity, whereas realizing my strengths and using them are what I need to do to fulfill God's purpose for me. I am reminded once again that we all have our flaws, but God blessed us with specific spiritual gifts for a reason and it is our job to use them for that purpose.

*sorry for the vagueness of this post, it was just a random blur of thoughts consolidated at 2am

these next couple weeks are going to be academically insane! Stay motivated. Work hard. Have faith.