Wednesday, November 16, 2011

a sing-a-long song

The beauty of empathy is that it takes two broken hearts and times them to the same beat. And even for a little bit, you both are able to make sense of the irregularity of your heart's music as you realize that the song you are singing is not as rare as you thought it was. Quiet cries become passionate prayers and passionate prayers become enduring anthems and those enduring anthems are sung aloud from hearts believing that pain is the first step to joy.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

joy and pain / certainly synonymous

"I reckon that the endurance of every imaginable suffering and trial would be a small price to pay for a settled assurance, which would for ever prevent the possibility of doubt. Never mind the waves if they wash you upon this rock. Therefore, when you are tempted, 'Count it all joy' that you are tried, because you will thus receive a proof of your love, a proof of your faith, a proof of your being the true-born children of God. Trials are like a fire; they burn up nothing in us but the dross, and they make the gold all the purer. Put down the testing process as a clear gain, and, instead of being sorry about it, count it all joy when you fall into many trials, for this gives you a proof of your faith."
- charles spurgeon

Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your paths.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

the consistent metaphor

The darkness blanketed the ground immediately in front of him shading the small greens sprouting from the cracks. It imprisoned the patch of land within it from the sunlight illuminating the surroundings and only enlarged to capture more territory as time went on.

The boy watched his shifting shadow move while he remained still. It was like he had no control over the pervading gloom and instead was restricted as a spectator of its movements. The dark kept crawling across the cement sidewalk, slowly consuming the various cracks and chips as well as the plant life and its critters. Nothing could outrun it.

Suddenly the boy's gaze shifted as he felt the warmth of the sun on his back. Despite the cold weather with its sting of wind, the sun's rays were enough to sustain the boy's core body temperature. The heat radiated throughout his body, calming and comforting him.

I really love the illustration of a shadow because as dark and dynamic as it might be and despite the lack of input I have in its course, there is peace knowing that it is always the sun that is controlling its path.