"Your mistakes are your own unique way of getting to where you need to be."
- Conan O'Brien
"For all your sons and daughters, walking in the darkness. You are calling us to lead them back to you. We will see your spirit rising as the lost come out of hiding. And every heart will see this hope we have in you."
- Tear Down the Walls
"Take my hands and make them clean. Keep my heart in purity. That I may walk in all you have for me."
- Arms Open Wide
"You're as cute as a lumberjack holding a baby."
- Blake Brawnson (character in my story for creative writing. His son is named Samson.)
"Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity."
- Albert Einstein (I thought this was clever)
Time for some O-chem destruction.Labels: comedy, journey, love, mistakes, procrastination/ponder-ation, purity, redemption