Love always...
protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres.
I had an actual written entry but I thought this was enough:
For some reason my eyes almost sweat watching this.
But all sappiness aside, lately I've been taken on a crazy journey through various relationships in my life and through them all God has been constantly reminding me of what it means to have a heart that wants to fight for someone you love. So many times I want to just give up, be bitter, wallow in sadness and anger and let things fall apart, but I think it takes another Good Friday for me to remember that true love is sacrifice. When we deliberately choose to sin and run away from God every second of every day, never has he, nor will he, let us wander to our hearts' desire. Rather, our Father waits patiently for us and runs joyfully to us as he sees us returning to him from a distance. God didn't look at our broken relationship with him because of all our sin and decide to just give up, create new us's, and start over, instead he asked himself the question, "how can I fix this?" God committed to us through the covenant he made and he faithfully honors that promise even when the only option was for blood to be spilled upon our behalf. The need for a perfect, unblemished sacrifice that can atone for all of our sins. A bridge between our hearts and God's glory. The only answer was to sacrifice his son.
Throughout all these last couple weeks, I've complained to God saying that people hurt me too much and I just want to give up. He first rebukes me with love through his word and random book quotes such as, "as we begin to focus more on Christ, loving Him and others becomes more natural. As long as we are actively pursuing Him, we are satisfied in Him. It is when we stop actively loving Him that we find ourselves restless and gravitating toward other means of fulfillment" (crazy love). And he reminds me of marriage and questions how I am going to be able to honor that commitment/covenant and continue to love despite the hardships. Then he reminds me of how little I deserve to be pursued by him. I am humbled as I realize more of the magnitude of God's love and how unable I am at embodying even a little bit of it in my own relationships. I am sorry for that.
But somehow God redeems all.
Happy Easter! rejoice
I had an actual written entry but I thought this was enough:
For some reason my eyes almost sweat watching this.
But all sappiness aside, lately I've been taken on a crazy journey through various relationships in my life and through them all God has been constantly reminding me of what it means to have a heart that wants to fight for someone you love. So many times I want to just give up, be bitter, wallow in sadness and anger and let things fall apart, but I think it takes another Good Friday for me to remember that true love is sacrifice. When we deliberately choose to sin and run away from God every second of every day, never has he, nor will he, let us wander to our hearts' desire. Rather, our Father waits patiently for us and runs joyfully to us as he sees us returning to him from a distance. God didn't look at our broken relationship with him because of all our sin and decide to just give up, create new us's, and start over, instead he asked himself the question, "how can I fix this?" God committed to us through the covenant he made and he faithfully honors that promise even when the only option was for blood to be spilled upon our behalf. The need for a perfect, unblemished sacrifice that can atone for all of our sins. A bridge between our hearts and God's glory. The only answer was to sacrifice his son.
Throughout all these last couple weeks, I've complained to God saying that people hurt me too much and I just want to give up. He first rebukes me with love through his word and random book quotes such as, "as we begin to focus more on Christ, loving Him and others becomes more natural. As long as we are actively pursuing Him, we are satisfied in Him. It is when we stop actively loving Him that we find ourselves restless and gravitating toward other means of fulfillment" (crazy love). And he reminds me of marriage and questions how I am going to be able to honor that commitment/covenant and continue to love despite the hardships. Then he reminds me of how little I deserve to be pursued by him. I am humbled as I realize more of the magnitude of God's love and how unable I am at embodying even a little bit of it in my own relationships. I am sorry for that.
But somehow God redeems all.
Happy Easter! rejoice
"for some reason my eyes almost sweat watching this"
LOLOL eyes almost sweat. good one
this was so encouraging to read
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