BlackBerry Journey (8) // "Solitude"
Have you ever wondered why God made man and woman in series instead of concurrently? Our sovereign and all-knowing God must have known that "it is not good that man should be alone" because of his innate need for a "helper fit for him," but still God deliberately chooses to create Adam first then Eve. I'm reading a book called "Reaching Out" by Henri Nouwen and he talks about the importance of our solitary time with God our Father, where we can seek to converse with and listen to him while simply dwelling in his presence. Lately as I have been thinking about solitude, I have been learning more about how much God must love us to desire that alone time with us. Too often do I view my quiet times as a span of minutes where I can come to God for comfort and guidance for that specific allotted number of digits and then just check out the rest of the day, not fully grasping the magnitude of the desire that God has to spend time with me. I mean, He showed it clearly through the cross by reconciling me forever to him by freeing me from the bondage of sin, but it's crazy because this grace is evident every single day as he keeps reaching out to me even when I choose not to reach back.
We talked about in discipleship last week how God must have purposely chose to create a woman after creating man in order to have his own alone time with man first and foremost. God is so jealous for us and so desires to be loved back by his children that he would choose to delay man's natural tendency for a woman helper in order to initially establish that man's relationship with God, the creator and his father, as the most important thing. Within this I realized how quickly I turn to people for comfort because it is so much more tangible to find physical refuge in them, but as God shows clearly in genesis, he understands my innate desire for community (because just as He is in the trinity and we were made for community) and will indeed provide important people around me but wants to establish my own relationship with him first.
God your father loves you so much, spend time with him and seek to love him back!
We talked about in discipleship last week how God must have purposely chose to create a woman after creating man in order to have his own alone time with man first and foremost. God is so jealous for us and so desires to be loved back by his children that he would choose to delay man's natural tendency for a woman helper in order to initially establish that man's relationship with God, the creator and his father, as the most important thing. Within this I realized how quickly I turn to people for comfort because it is so much more tangible to find physical refuge in them, but as God shows clearly in genesis, he understands my innate desire for community (because just as He is in the trinity and we were made for community) and will indeed provide important people around me but wants to establish my own relationship with him first.
God your father loves you so much, spend time with him and seek to love him back!

good post bryan!
this got me REALLY thinking hard about my spiritual life... which has been going down the drain pertaining to my last post...
but i've been slowly trying to bounce back. and this is sucha GREAT reminder for me... really is.
hahah thanks for such an awesome post (like always!)
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