A Father's Heart
It's my dad's birthday today and I am in awe of God's ability to continuously teach me what true love is through my dad's actions towards me. I am so thankful that my earthly father can remind me of my heavenly father. It's crazy because the more I think about my dad the more I realize soon that I will become a father and appreciate the seemingly little responsibilities that my dad does that are actually grand statements of what love really is. When I wake up at 6:30am and drive my child to zero period every morning for three years or help him practice shooting a basketball for hours in the backyard or buy him that favorite toy he's been talking about for months, I hope I'll always remember my dad but more importantly that love is sacrifice as shown through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for all of our sins.

praise God for good dads
aside: I am en route to my quarter life crisis

praise God for good dads
aside: I am en route to my quarter life crisis
you're thinking about the future alot! but i have no doubt you'll be a wonderful father. :)
for sure, and im sure it will be something we will understand when we are older.
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