My Update
Lately I've been realizing that when I talk to people, I spend a lot more time asking them questions and listening to their responses (which I enjoy listening to sooo much. I'm thankful for quality conversations and updates.) than actually saying how I am myself. I guess that's why I like blogging because I feel like this is where my voice is, at least virtually.
How are you doing Bryan?
The theme of "square-one" has been resonating strongly in my life lately as I try my best to wait patiently for God to direct me somewhere, anywhere. Maybe show me a sign or a glimpse of what I should be doing or who I should be spending more time with or something, anything. I'll be honest it's so frustrating sometimes. I wrote a blog like a month ago where I listed all the projects I was currently working on and in the end I didn't get accepted to any. I was definitely initially annoyed and deflated internally but I am grateful for those opportunities. I am grateful that God is taking control and guiding me through rejection onto the path he set before me. I am grateful that I am learning patience and trust even though it's so hard most of the time.
I have also been thinking about the phrase "learning to breathe" and all that it implies. I really like this song title and lyric because it captures this necessity for us to sometimes drop what we're doing and return back to the basics. So many times I feel like I am too caught up in progress and advancing that I lose track of my foundation. In the spiritual sense, I get too involved and saturate my schedule with anything and everything whether it's praise band at church or going to small group or meeting up with people, and in the end I let these things and events define my faith instead of the root of it all, God's grace and love for me. So lately I have been going back to the basics, or at least what I envision as "basic," and seeking to build upon that foundation of grace. I'm trying to memorize more scripture in order to just have something to meditate on throughout the day when I'm walking to and from class and I'm setting time aside to just pray because sometimes I just need time to not only talk to God but listen.
Listening has been a big thing I've been working on lately (maybe this is the reason I am compelled to write a blog on how I am doing), and I mean it in the healthiest way possible. I kind of want to become a good listener, like a pro or all-star level. As weird as that sounds, I want to better express my care for people in the form of listening to them more efficiently, especially when they need it most.

this picture reminds me of the importance of Perspective.
Thanksgiving is coming up and I have too much to be thankful for. I think that in itself is an amazing blessing.
How are you doing Bryan?
The theme of "square-one" has been resonating strongly in my life lately as I try my best to wait patiently for God to direct me somewhere, anywhere. Maybe show me a sign or a glimpse of what I should be doing or who I should be spending more time with or something, anything. I'll be honest it's so frustrating sometimes. I wrote a blog like a month ago where I listed all the projects I was currently working on and in the end I didn't get accepted to any. I was definitely initially annoyed and deflated internally but I am grateful for those opportunities. I am grateful that God is taking control and guiding me through rejection onto the path he set before me. I am grateful that I am learning patience and trust even though it's so hard most of the time.
I have also been thinking about the phrase "learning to breathe" and all that it implies. I really like this song title and lyric because it captures this necessity for us to sometimes drop what we're doing and return back to the basics. So many times I feel like I am too caught up in progress and advancing that I lose track of my foundation. In the spiritual sense, I get too involved and saturate my schedule with anything and everything whether it's praise band at church or going to small group or meeting up with people, and in the end I let these things and events define my faith instead of the root of it all, God's grace and love for me. So lately I have been going back to the basics, or at least what I envision as "basic," and seeking to build upon that foundation of grace. I'm trying to memorize more scripture in order to just have something to meditate on throughout the day when I'm walking to and from class and I'm setting time aside to just pray because sometimes I just need time to not only talk to God but listen.
Listening has been a big thing I've been working on lately (maybe this is the reason I am compelled to write a blog on how I am doing), and I mean it in the healthiest way possible. I kind of want to become a good listener, like a pro or all-star level. As weird as that sounds, I want to better express my care for people in the form of listening to them more efficiently, especially when they need it most.

this picture reminds me of the importance of Perspective.
Thanksgiving is coming up and I have too much to be thankful for. I think that in itself is an amazing blessing.
I'm glad you finally told us what is going on in your life because the last one seemed like a check list of stuff. This one seemed a lot more genuine and i enjoyed reading it. The quality of being thankful while still being frustrated sounds so complicated, but its awesome that you can do such a thing. 4 more weeks. Here we go.
This explains a lot that you must be going through, and I like the part where you bring going back to your roots. It really shows me, where I need to go back to as well. I also love how you end with having so much to be thankful for, and how you see that its a blessing in itself.
And thanks for the picking up yesterday.
dude, you're one of the most humble and best listeners i know.
as always.
read and memorize psalm 23. its been in my mind a lot and i want to share it with you
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